Local residents are invited to four forums for candidates vying for DeKalb offices in the spring consolidated election. The event is organized by the citizens’ group DeKalb Election Group and is provided in partnership with the library. The moderator is WNIJ journalist Susan Stephens.
On Sunday, March 9, doors will open at 1:15 p.m. to the public, who are invited to submit questions for the candidates. The mayoral forum begins at 1:45 p.m., with the city clerk and school board candidate to follow.
These forums may be recorded. The election is on April 1; early voting begins on March 7 at the Sycamore Legislative Center. See the full voting schedule. All candidates have been invited to participate, though not all may be in attendance.
For additional information, please contact Samantha at [email protected] or at (815) 756-9568 ext. 1701.
Here’s who’s running for office:
DeKalb mayor: incumbent Cohen Barnes, 7th Ward Alderman John. B. Walker, Kouame M. Sanan. If Linh Nguyen is successful in the primary, her name also will appear on the ballot.
City Clerk: Bradley Hoey, Lynn Fazekas and Steve Kapitan
Township Supervisor: Incumbent Mary Hess and Jim Luebke
DeKalb Community Unit School District 428 DeKalb school board (3 open seats): Marilyn D. Parker, Jose Jaques, Nicholas Atwood, Brandon J Elion, James W Mitchell, Twangie Smith, Howard Solomon, Erin Grych, Kristin Bailey, Stephen Gaffney and Derek Shaw.
Mark Charvat is running unopposed as a write-in candidate for a two-year unexpired term.