
Celebrate the Ho-Ho-Holidays with Merry Messages to Santa!

Nov 24, 2020 | Art and Crafts, Family Fun, Kids, News

Do you have a child in your life that would like to have their letter to Santa read by one of his helper-elves? The DeKalb Public Library and Jessica from Parties With Character can help you make this happen for your little loved one.

Beginning on November 21, we will have take-and-go bags available at curbside pickup. These bags will contain a craft, stationery for the letter to Santa, and a permission slip for the parent to fill out and sign. Why a permission slip, you ask? Well, we want to make sure that the things that children ask for in their letters are things that are not unreasonable for the family to provide. We certainly don’t want our elf making promises that can’t be kept! The slip will be worded in such a way as to make it look like Santa wants to take the parent’s opinion about toys into consideration, just in case your child happens to see the paper. It is very important to us that no false promises are made, so any Santa letter that is returned without a permission slip will not be used in the program, so please don’t forget about this part!

If you cannot make it into the library but you have a printer, then feel free to download the stationary, coloring pages, and permission slip that we included below…

Pick your stationary! We have included two colored versions for people with a color printer, and a black and white version that a child can color if you have a black and white printer:

Here are the permission slips, both plain and colored. Use the plain one if you do not have a colored printer at home:

Here are coloring pages for you to download:

Letters in envelopes with the permission slip are due back to the library on December 12th. Please drop them off during curbside pickup hours. Hours for curbside are as follows:

Mondays, 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Thursdays, 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Saturdays, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Likewise, you can email PDF copies to Theresa Winterbauer at [email protected].



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