On Saturday, January 30 the library hosted the Presidential Impact on Sports virtually via Zoom. During the presentation, Evan Weiner shared the impact different administrations have had over the years on sports. Evan Weiner has appeared on...
On Thursday, December 3, at 6:30 p.m., RAMP joined the library for a virtual informational session where patrons learned about the services they provide. During the session they covered their Fast Track program that lays the foundation for high...
On Thursday, October 1, the DeKalb Public Library and the League of Women Voters of DeKalb County held a virtual, public Candidates’ Forum on Zoom. Candidates for each locally contested office on the November 3rd ballot had the opportunity to...
The Wild Blue Ukulele Orchestra is dedicated to expanding people’s notions about what the humble little four-stringed instrument can do. On Saturday, September 12, the library welcomed the Wild Blues back as they provided a virtual concert open to...
Local author, Marti Brown, assembled her father’s scrapbooks and over 300 letters sent to family members during World War II and compiled these artifacts into a book entitled From Cornfield to Battlefield: A Young Farmer’s Journey Through World War...