Toys, Toys, Toys! They may be wrapped up under trees right now, but they are on children’s minds all year round. This selection of books feature all kinds of toys, from blocks to dolls, from games to teddy bears. There are stories from a child’s perspective and stories from a toy’s perspective. There are stories about finding lost toys and stories about cleaning up toys. Readers of all ages are sure to find a story close to their heart.
Board Books
Global Baby Playtime (2021) by Maya Ajmera
All Fall Down (2014) by Mary Brigid Barrett
Where Are Maisy’s Friends? (2010) by Lucy Cousins
Little Tiger Picks Up (2014) by Michael Dahl
The Nutcracker (2019) based on the book by E. T. A. Hoffmann
Play Baby Play! (2012) by Marilyn Janovitz
Grow Caterpillar Grow! (2012) by Dawn Sirett
Playdate (2021) by Maryann Macdonald
Peter Loves Penguin (2014) by David McPhail
Picture Books
Max’s Castle (2011) by Kate Banks
Where’s My T-R-U-C-K? (2011) by Karen Beaumont
The Crankypants Tea Party (2020) by Barbara Bottner
Gorilla (2002) by Anthony Brownee
Below (2006) by Nina Crews
Golden Threads (2020) by Suzanne Del Rizzo
Toy Boat (2007) by Randall de Sève
Corduroy (1968) by Don Freeman
Monkey and Me (2008) Emily Gravett
Traction Man Is Here! (2005) by Mini Grey
Waiting (2015) by Kevin Henkes
Old Bear series (1991-2016) by Jane Hissey
The Nutcracker (2007) by Susan Jeffers
Toys Meet Snow (2015) by Emily Jenkins
Louis (2020) by Tom Lichtenheld
Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse (1969) by Leo Lionni
Have Fun, Molly Lou Melon (2012) by Patty Lovell
The All-I’ll-Ever-Want Christmas Doll (2007) by Patricia C. McKissack
The Teddy Bear (2002) by David McPhail
The Little Engine That Could (2020) retold by Watty Piper
Penny and Penelope (2019) by Dan Richards
Princess Sparkle-Heart Gets a Makeover (2014) by Josh Schneider
Too Many Toys (2008) by David Shannon
Block City (2005) by Robert Louis Stevenson
Bear Is a Bear (2021) Jonathan Stutzman
What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night (2015) by Refe & Susan Tuma
Harry and Horsie (2009) by Katie Van Camp
Harry and the Dinosaurs series (2003-2007) by Ian Whybrow
Knuffle Bunny series (2004-2010) by Mo Willems
William’s Doll (1987) by Charlotte Zolotow
Easy Readers
Gideon & Otto (2012) by Olivier Dunrea
Petagonia Pets (2012) by Lana Edelman
Meet the Fingerlings (2018) by Rosie Peet
Corduroy’s Hike (2019) by Alison Inches
Cat Has a Plan (2020) Laura Gehl
Raggedy Ann & Andy: Old Friends, New Friends (2015) by Patricia Hall
Raggedy Ann & Andy: School Day Adventure (2000) by Patricia Hall
Hot Wheels: Shark Attack (2013) by Ace Landers
My Pal Al (1998) by Marcia Leonard
Are We There Yet? (2005) by Harriet Ziefert
Juvenile Intermediate Fiction
The Velveteen Rabbit (2010) by Margery Williams Bianco
Princess Posey and the Tiny Treasure (2013) by Stephanie Greene
Toys Go Out (2006) by Emily Jenkins
Big Susan (2002) by Elizabeth Orton Jones
The House at Pooh Corner (2007) by A.A. Milne
Juvenile Fiction
Origami Yoda Series (2010-2014) by Tom Angleberger
The Indian in the Cupboard series (1980-1998) by Lynne Reid Banks
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (2006) by Kate DiCamillo
Toy Story 4: The Deluxe Junior Novelization (2019) adapted by Suzanne Francis
The Doll in the Garden: A Ghost Story (2007) by Mary Downing Hahn
The Doll People series (2000-2014) by Ann M. Martin and Laura Godwin
The Best Bear in All the World (2016) by Paul Bright, Brian Sibley, Jeanne Willis and Kate Saunders
The Christmas Pig (2021) by J.K. Rowling
The Robot Book: Build and Control 20 Electric Gizmos, Machines, and Hacked Toys (2014) by Bobby Mercer
I Love That Minifigure (2015) by DK Publishing
What Is LEGO? (2020) by Jim O’Connor
Brick City series (2018) by Warren Elsmore
Wooden Toy Spacecraft (2019) by Gonzalo Ferreyra
Toys and Play with Everyday Materials (2018) by Sudarshan Khanna, Gita Wolf, Anushka Ravishankar and Priya Sundram
NERF (2016) by Sara Green
Toys 100 Years Ago (2012) by Allison Lassieur
Fingerlings Collector’s Handbook: Friendship @ Your Fingertips (2019) by Julia March
Can You See What I See? : Toyland Express (2011) by Walter Wick
Cool Toys and Games series (2016) by Rebecca Felix
Español / Bilingüe
Mis Juguetes = My Toys (2002) por Rebecca Emberley
Jugando Con Bebé = Baby Play (2019) por Skye Silver
Olivia y el Juguete Desaparecido (2004) por Ian Falconer
Owen (2001) por Kevin Henkes
Charro Claus and the Tejas Kid (2008) por Xavier Garza
Mi Amigo el Pato = My Ducky Buddy (2011) by Michael Smith
La Gran Mentira (2012) by Fran Manushkin
Un Premio Adentro = A Prize Inside (2012) by Anastasia Suen
El Reino de los Juguetes (1999) by Phil Roxbee Cox y Jenny Tyler
Éste Es Mi Camión = This Is My Truck (2009) by Amanda Hudson