
Library Board Issues Statement on Inequality

Jun 17, 2020 | Adults, News, Seniors

June 10, 2020

The DeKalb Public Library believes that Black Lives Matter.

In the wake of the brutal killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and far too many others who preceded them, communities across our nation, including our own, have begun calling for an end to racism and structural change that will create a just and equitable society for everyone.

The DeKalb Public Library stands with libraries, organizations, businesses, and, most importantly, countless individual Americans to condemn the violence and racism directed towards Black people and all People of Color in our country.

We recognize that members of our community are susceptible to acts of prejudice, threats of violence, and even death based solely on their race or ethnicity, and that this pervasive and systemic racism denies these residents equal rights and undermines the American promise of liberty and justice for all.

Racism permeates our society and putting an end to it will require all citizens to work together. As highly trusted institutions and essential foundations of civic infrastructure, public libraries have a unique and vital role to play in advancing equity and addressing racial divides.
Although we recognize that there is no quick fix for problems that have been more than 400 years in the making, we must begin the work of creating a better and more just world from this point forward. In this spirit, we have created a list of Anti Racism Resources for All Ages. In it we recommend books and films on anti-racism, equality, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. We hope these resources will help community members educate themselves further, and inspire us all to take actions for the greater good.

Now is not the time to be silent. It is a time for us as a community to stand together against racism and inequality wherever it is found.

Black Lives Matter.

The DeKalb Public Library Board of Trustees



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