Just For Teens
Explore, Learn, Succeed!
Borrow SAT preparation and study guides. Get first source quotes and historical photos at Digital Public Library of America. Looking for your next great read? Explore Novelist, or talk with our teen librarians. Access digital resources to get books, graphic novels, and more for your device.
We have games for the Play Station, Xbox, and Wii gaming systems. It is an exciting time for the Teen Department as we expand to virtual programming and crafts to take and make at home.
Thank You to the Friends of the Library!
The Friends of the DeKalb Public Library held their Spring Book Sale this past weekend, and it was their biggest sale to date! Thank you to the Friends for continuing to organize and run the sale, and to everyone who came to find new titles for ... READ MORE
Y2K Teen Reads
While the Y2K bug never happened (ask your older relatives about it), Y2K style and culture has made a comeback. You may have already raided closets for your aunt, uncle, older cousin’s (or even your parents’) old clothes. Maybe you’re ... READ MORE
January Teen Display: National Hobby Month
A new year means a new us, which means you will be seeing teen blog posts more often (thank you to those who travelled here from our Instagram). Why not start your New Year with a new hobby? In January, we’re celebrating National Hobby Month ... READ MORE
December Display: WNIJ Hola
Each month, our display case in the Main Lobby showcases a different local organization, and this month’s display has been set up by WNIJ to highlight Hola! Hola is a new digital community designed to inspire greater engagement with ... READ MORE