
Happy Darwin Day!

Feb 15, 2021 | Kids, News, Teen

February 12th was Darwin Day, a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809. The day highlights Darwin’s contributions to science and is celebrated around the world. To learn more about Darwin’s life and work, check out these resources available at the library.

Juvenile Biographies

Animals Charles Darwin Saw: An Around-the-World Adventure (2009) by Sandra Markle J B DARW C

Charles Darwin (2010) by Kathleen Krull J B DARW C; also available as an e-audiobook

Darwin (2009) by Alice B. McGinty J B DARW C

One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary Adventures of Charles Darwin (2009) by Kathryn Lasky J B DARW C; also available as an e-book

The Tree of Life: A Book Depicting the Life of Charles Darwin, Naturalist, Geologist & Thinker (2013) by Peter Sís J B DARW C

Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith (2009) by Deborah Heiligman J B DARW C&E; also available as an e-audiobook

Juvenile Nonfiction

12 Scientists Who Changed the World (2015) by Orlin Richard J 509.22 RIC

100 Scientists Who Changed the World (2003) by John Hudson Tiner J 509.22 TIN

Darwin, Nature Reinterpreted (1995) by Piero Ventura J 575 VEN

The Ecology Book (2019) by DK Publishing J 577 ECO

Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection (2014) by Fred Bortz J 576.8 BOR

When Darwin Sailed the Sea (2020) by David Long & Sam Kalda J 576.8 LON

Billions of Years, Amazing Changes: The Story of Evolution (2011) by Laurence Pringle J 576.8 PRI

Darwin: An Exceptional Voyage (2019) by Fabien Grolleau & Jérémie Royer J 576.8 SCH

What Darwin Saw: The Journey that Changed the World (2009) by Rosalyn Schanzer J 576.8 SCH

The Evolution Revolution (2009) by Robert Winston J 576.8 WIN

Juvenile Fiction

The True Adventures of Charley Darwin (2009) by Carolyn Meyer J MEY

Parent Teacher Materials

Biomes: Islands and Evolution (2005) by Discovery Channel School PT DVD 576.8 BIO-IAE


Juvenile Nonfiction & Biographies

Charles Darwin (2020) [ebook] by Anita Croy

Charles Darwin (2015) [ebook] by Nick Hunter

Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution (2013) [e-audiobook] by Heather Adamson

Charles Darwin’s Around-The-World Adventure [e-book] (2016) by Jennifer Thermes

Charles Darwin Develops the Theory of Evolution [e-book] (2016) by Douglas Hustad

Charles Darwin Groundbreaking Naturalist and Evolutionary Theorist [ebook] (2015) by Laura L. Sullivan

Charles Darwin: Naturalist [e-book] (2018) by Alexandra Hanson-Harding

Charles Darwin: Naturalist [ebook] (2017) by Stephen Webster

Darwin and Evolution for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities [e-book] (2003) by Kristan Lawson

Galapagos by National Geographic

An Interview with Charles Darwin [e-book] (2015) by Peter J. Bowler

My Itty-Bitty Bio: Charles Darwin [e-book] (2018) by Czeena Devera & Jeff Bane

Unsung Heroes: Pioneers in Science [e-book] (2018) by Elise Wallace

Young Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle [e-book] (2014) by Ruth Ashby

Teen Biographies & Nonfiction

Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace [e-book] (2014) by Mary Colson

Eureka! [e-book] (2016) by John Grant, also available as audiobook

Natural Selection [e-book] (2009) by J. Phil Gibson & Terri R. Gibson

Shaking the Foundation: Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution [e-book] (2013) by Sylvia A. Johnson

Teen Fiction

Dodger [e-audiobook] (2012) by Terry Pratchett

“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”

Theodosius Dobzhansky



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